Wednesday 19 December 2012

Broken promises

Just a quick blog post today!

In an earlier post I talked about how governments were becoming more involved with indigenous tribes to create reserves and allow the tribes more freedom to govern the land in which they reside.

However, 2 articles I read this week have caught my eye. Give the 2 articles below a quick gander and you will understand what I'm talking about!

Apart from the obvious (destruction/degradation of land due to even more development), the main point that concerned me about these articles is that in both cases it is mentioned that the indigenous people are living on reserves, or have an agreement with the government to be consulted about future projects, but in both cases were ignored. When there was effort made (such as in Peru) the consultation process appeared to be a sham, with little to no consultation with the indigenous tribes.

One thing that does lighten my mood on the articles, however, is the fact that the tribes are clearly standing up for themselves and fighting to keep their traditions alive. Only time will tell how it all pans out.

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