Wednesday 21 November 2012

Amazon Watch

On my trawl of the internet to find interesting articles and facts to keep you lovely people informed about the lives of indigenous people of the Amazon, I have found many, many campaigns improving awareness of the troubles faced. Yesterday, however, one caught my eye for the sheer volume and quality of work dedicated to indigenous Amazon tribes.

Amazon Watch is an organisation focused on 'working directly with indigenous communities to build local capacity and advance the long-term protection of their lands' and a mine of incredibly useful information when it comes to keeping up to date with the fight for the rights of indigenous people.

If you have any time, take a look at the website and read about the work they do, and the current campaigns they are backing at the moment. I have found it to be extremely useful, and if you don't have any time to take a gander now, you can rest assure that I will be looking in depth into a number of their current activities in the coming weeks!

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